Difluoroethane price

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Difluoroethane priceDifluoroethane price

Difluoroethane price What is r152a refrigerant锛?/strong R152a refrigerant is an organic compound with a chemical formula of C2H4F2, also known as HFC-152a, refrigerant r152a, ch3chf2, freon 152, 1,1-Difluoroethane etc. It is mainly used in aerosol dispersants, low-temperature solvents, refrigerants, gas Sol propellants and organic synthesis intermediates. 聽 Chinese name1锛?-Difluoroethane CAS number75-37-6 English name1,1-difluoroethane AliasFreon-152a Chemical FormulaCH3CHF2 Molecular Weight66.05 Appearance and traitsColorless, odorless gas at room temperature Boiling Point-25.7掳C Melting Point-117掳C Critical temperature113.5掳C Critical Pressure4.50MPa Liquid density at 25掳C0.901g/m3 Vapor pressure at 25掳C0.599MPa Latent heat of vaporization at boiling point330.0kJ/kg Specific heat (liquid 25掳C)1.680kJ/kg. 鈩?/p SolubilityInsoluble in water, but easily soluble in ethanol and ether solvents Solubility under water at 25掳C0.28w% StabilityStablize Danger Signflammable and explosive gas Ozone Destruction Potential (ODP, CFC11=1)0 Global warming coefficient value (GWP, CO2=1, 100a)140 聽 Features of r152a refrigerant: The ODP value of R152a is zero, and the GWP is only very small, which is 0.023. R152a has a standard boiling point of -25掳C and a freezing point of -117掳C, which is superior to R12 in refrigeration cycle characteristics. R152a has higher cooling capacity per unit volume and energy efficiency ratio than R12 and R134a. 聽 The viscosity of R152a is not much different from that of R12, but the specific heat capacity and latent heat of vaporization of liquid and gas are larger than that of R12, and the thermal conductivity of gas and liquid are significantly higher than that of R12. When using R152a, there should be good safety measures; a leak detector specially suitable for R152a should be used; when mixed working fluids are used, the original halogen leak detector must be re-calibrated. 聽 R152a is used as the main raw material for foaming agent, aerosol, cleaning agent and polyvinylidene fluoride. The viscosity of R152a is not much different from that of R12, but the specific heat capacity and latent heat of vaporization of liquid and gas are larger than that of R12, and the thermal conductivity of gas and liquid is significantly higher than that of R12. R152a is flammable and will catch fire when its volume fraction in air reaches 4-17%. 聽 Spill emergency treatment of r152a refrigerant Quickly evacuate the personnel in the leaked contaminated area to the upwind place, and isolate them, strictly restricting access. Cut off the fire source. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear self-contained positive pressure breathing apparatus and fire protection clothing. Cut off the source of the leak as much as possible. Cover places such as sewers near the leak with industrial cover or absorbent/absorbent to prevent gas from entering. Reasonable ventilation, accelerate the diffusion. Dilute and dissolve with spray water. Construct dikes or dig pits to contain the large amount of wastewater generated. If possible, send the leaked gas to an open place with an exhaust fan or install a suitable nozzle to burn it. It can also be led to the furnace with pipelines and burned in a depression. Leakage containers should be properly disposed of, repaired and inspected before reuse. 聽 Protective Measures Respiratory system protection: Generally, no special protection is required, and it is generally not required for high-concentration exposure, but it is recommended to wear a self-priming filter gas mask (half mask) under special circumstances. Eye Protection: Wear chemical safety goggles when necessary. Body protection: wear anti-static overalls. Hand protection: wear general work protective gloves. Others: Smoking is strictly prohibited in the workplace. Work in tanks, restricted spaces or other high-concentration areas must be supervised by someone. first-aid Inhalation: Quickly leave the scene to fresh air. Keep airway open. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If not breathing, give artificial respiration immediately. Seek medical attention. Fire fighting method: cut off the gas source. If the gas source cannot be cut off immediately, it is not allowed to extinguish the burning gas. Cool container with water spray, move container from fire to open area if possible. Extinguishing media: mist water, foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder. 聽Difluoroethane price website:http://www.julychem.com/difluoroethane/
